Even though I've been slowing a bit down in my walks (and my blogging, evidently), I have reached my year-long goal of 100 walks, about six weeks before the end of the year. I walked my 100th walk yesterday, an uneventful 8.5 mile stroll through really beautiful San Diego weather (as opposed to just normally beautiful). That 100th walk brings my total mileage up to almost 643 miles for 2012, about 143 miles above my 100 walks/500 miles goal.
I haven't been walking as much in November so far (only 3 walks this month), due to work committments and the time change. But yesterday's walk was a lovely one...here's a few photos:
The clouds were extremely dramatic this time out, as the local weather people kept predicting rain that never happened, at least in the downtown area. They also kept saying it was going to be cool, but it reached at least 70. That's the Coronado Bridge under that impressive cloud deck off in the distance in this photo taken from Seaport Village.
Another view of the bridge from Seaport Village with the apparently low-hanging sun photobombing its way into the picture.
This storybook-looking photo shows one of the parking lots south of Petco Park, the San Diego Padres' baseball stadium. The dome on the left is the new San Diego Public Library, opening any day now; the castle-like tent on the right is the home of Cavalia, the "equestrian ballet" that is here in town through the end of the year. Think horses meets Cirque du Soleil. Still, it makes for a nice little fairytale realm over the old, boring parking lot any day.
The fountain in Balboa Park, looking its finest. If I had realized this was going to be my 100th walk this year, I might have dressed in a tux and picked a more festive trail to walk upon, but in retrospect, the fact that the 100th one was along one of my tried-and-true walking routes just shows how much this walking thing has become part of my daily life, not to mention how much I love doing it. Now I just need to keep doing it more.
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