Despite a heatwave that just won't seem to quit in San Diego, I managed to walk over 50 miles in September, and have already reached my mileage goal of 500 miles this year. In fact, this month put me well over that total with a current tally of 543 miles. I think I'll easily hit 700 miles by year's end with 3 months to go. And October will be a big month for walking as I travel a bit and walk a lot.
Beyond my walking, there's not much to report, but here's some (hopefully) fun photos with commentary...
As usual, Balboa Park figures prominently into my walks. Pretty much every one I've taken in September included the park. I've gotten tired of dodging bikes and bums on the Embarcadero leading to and from the airport, so I stick to my bridges (Quince St. and Spruce St.), Balboa Park, Hillcrest, and Park Blvd., with the occasional foray into Seaport Village. Here's one of the many arches looking into one of the many smaller garden areas in the park.
And here's that same area. Now can you see why I LOVE walking here?
These two guys are standing near the Laurel St. entrance to Balboa Park, right before the Prado bridge. I'm not sure who they are (no, it's not Mr. Balboa and Mr. Park). One of them might be Alonzo Horton, but there is a third statue not so far away from these guys who might also be the prolific Mr. Horton. This area (according to the photo) is called Founders Plaza.
This is a new park down at the north end of Seaport Village, which is known as "Tuna Harbor." This used to be a restaurant complex which stood empty for many years, with a parking lot. Now it's this little park which is named after someone, whose weird name escapes me. It's nice, but not "must-see" nice if you're visiting. But it sure beats empty buildings and a metered parking lot!
Here's my favorite bridge again (Quince St.), with some cool fall afternoon shadows. I know...don't say "fall" when you're looking at this bridge.
And here's my first attempt at a panoramic photo using my new iPhone 5. It gets a little funky on the edges...probably because I should be trying to move it on a flat plane instead of a rounded one. Still, it's a pretty neat effect for a camera phone.
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